October 7, 2024
Hello Members and Friends,
What a beautiful Fall we are enjoying so far. This is the latest I have ever seen the trees change colour!!
Business first: Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 20th in the Grand Forks Seniors Centre in Grand Forks City Park. Membership renewal from 12:30 to 1:00 pm – AGM at 1 and then social and goodies until 3 pm. Hope to see many of you there!! We have not made use of the Seniors’ Centre since the days when we held our annual luncheons there. Looking forward to it. I will send another quick reminder before the meeting and there will be an ad in the Gazette.
We could certainly use a couple more area reps (Directors). Nice to have members helping us make decisions. If you feel that you could lend a hand just let Doreen know at 250-442-2274 or email boundaryhistorical@gmail.com. Only 10 meetings a year and they do not last more than an hour!!
We had good help at our table at the Grand Forks Fall Fair on September 7th & 8th. Jo Ann and I were so busy with the Fall Fair that we hardly had time to take a breath so are super grateful for our table staff – Frank Talarico, Les Johnson, Bob McTavish and Bev DeMaertelaere on Saturday and Ted Harrison on Sunday. Bob came by and gave Ted some breaks on Sunday. Nice job!! We took in $338.00. The next weekend I attended the Rock Creek Fair. It was so much easier than the last few years. I got to unload in daylight on the Friday before the Fair and we were allowed to leave early on Sunday, so we missed the big rush. It was busy on Saturday. Took in $$376.00. Mel and Joan Carroll stopped by and gave me a break and were thrilled to make a couple of sales!! I got to see the Bridesville Millenium cookbook – it is both a history and recipe book. Would love to get a copy. It was a lot slower on Sunday, think everyone had spent their all their money by then. I took in $97.00 for a total of $473.00. This is the first year I got a copy of our event insurance. It is $85.00 to have a non-profit booth – no charge for the booth but you have to pay for event insurance. A good deal at $85.00 because we are paying over $200.00 for event insurance for our AGM. As a non-profit the Seniors do not charge us a rental fee – we just need event insurance with the Seniors listed as additional insured. We think this is becoming the norm for meeting places. James and Christina Price dropped by on Sunday – they are the owners of the old Cathcart ranch. James has been instrumental in getting the Brown Creek Community Club back up and running. Laura and Tony Lodder’s bench is in place there. They have lots of plans for the Brown Creek Hall and the BHS certainly wishes them every success.

Our September meeting was not well attended but we did get a chance to meet Joan’s brothers. They brought a new-to-her truck up from the Island and took her black one home. Joan’s new truck is so nice. I had the pleasure of having dinner with them the night before they left for home. They said they would love to come back but not until after October 15th when Joan is free from looking after City Park!! She did not get much time to spend with them.

The Woodworker’s, Bob McTavish, Dick Jones, Heny King and I travelled up to Phoenix Cemetery and installed Hazel Mary Clayton’s memorial plaque on Friday morning and then we drove over to Jewel Lake and they put in a pole close to the Heritage Sign in front of the cabin for the sign in kiosk. We had a few signatures but it is much more visible now. The cabin was in good shape – the guys moved Al Donnelly’s bench inside and when Joan and I make our annual visit we will put the snow barrier up. Bob is thinking of ways to fix the entranceway to the cabin.
I have been up to the Boundary Museum a few times and met the new curator, Denise Frocklage. She is enthusiastic and I am sure the Museum will benefit from her knowledge. It was lovely to see Joe Tatangelo staffing the table for the Boundary Museum at our Grand Forks Fall Fair. Joey has such a knack for communicating with people. I attended Harvest Fest and took a look through the Museum – it is looking so good. I was lucky to get one of Walter Rie’s bears and “she” has a forever home with me. The museum is raising funds by selling off a few of Walter’s creations. Nice to know they will go to people who love them.
I need to order some more paper bags and stickers for the upcoming Christmas Craft Fairs. We are booked into Grand Forks Secondary School on November 23rd, Greenwood on November 30th, and Rock Creek on December 7th. Hope to see some of our members drop by. We missed out on the Christina Lake Craft Fair but maybe next year.
We have our regular October meeting the Wednesday before the AGM. Our meeting is on Wednesday, October 16 – 1:00 p.m. at the Woodworker’s building. Moving inside for the winter. We are so grateful to the Woodworker’s for all their help and for accommodating us for our meetings.
Doreen Sorensen
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