For those who wish to know more, to find out more, about local history there are other places you can go . . . because we’re not the only ‘game in town’ as they say.

For instance there are museums in Grand Forks, Greenwood and Midway. The one in Grand Forks is the Boundary Museum and it has a website. The Greenwood museum has a Facebook page. As we become aware of the web presence of them we will link you to them.

The Boundary Museum also manages the city archives space in the bottom of city hall. You could go visit them on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays from 10AM to 3PM but if you don’t want to go down into the bowels of city hall to see what they are about because they have a facebook page.

For those of you interested in the Mines of the area Frank Schlichting has been exploring them and recording videos of his exploits. You can view these on his youtube page here:

Are you on Facebook?
You might want to check out the Boundary Heritage, History and Genealogy group or the Boundary Community and Museum Archives, Greenwood Museum & Visitor Centre and Lost Kootenays pages.

We will add more links as time and information pass our way.