Billiards in Grand Forks!
In the same place you buy your Cigars and other Tobacco products.
While in later years Billiards gave way to Pool and Pool Halls became a bit of a scourge, in 1911 they were a new addition to the town.
The ad above appeared as the two ‘ears’ on the top of the front page of the March 11, 1911 Gazette.
The whole back page of the Gazette is given over to a ‘Slaughter Sale’ advertisement. This the term given to the sale of goods from a failed business. in this case the goods fromĀ Wilson & Roney’s clothing store. Check out the prices – Standard Goods by reliable manufacturers at less than cost.
In other news, the Irrigationists are ramping up for the growing season. As the Evening Sun reports ‘Commercial travellers and Irrigation machinery agents have been quite numerous in the city in the past two weeks.”
You can read about these items and other events of history on our Old Newspapers page.
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