Dear Members and Friends,
Happy Holiday wishes to all of you from your BHS Board and Executive! What a different year we have had –
definitely a historic one.

This is our last newsletter for 2020. I remember how we were so looking forward to this year and everything we had planned. Despite Covid-19 we accomplished many tasks – cleaning up Gladys’ cabin at Jewel Lake was a big one and we had many helping hands involved. Member Judith Hamm has given us a braided rug for the cabin. It was made by her grandmother and is a “just right” addition to the cabin. I’ll frame the rug’s provenance and hang it in the cabin to remember. We are hoping, with fingers crossed, that we will be able to have our Annual Picnic there in June and unveil the sign that was made for in front of the cabin.

We would love to have an Open House with our picnic and show all our members our beautiful piece of history.

We are continuing to work on Report #18 – Al Donnelly and Les Johnson are busy finalizing it. We are planning
on going to print in the early spring. We are all looking forward to seeing it and reading the stories submitted and gleaned. We are always seeking stories of the Boundary – perhaps you will consider submitting some for our next Report.

The Boundary Woodworkers, at our request, have built a small sign-in kiosk to be placed at Phoenix Cemetery on the same bench as the interment kiosk. It will be interesting to note where people visiting the cemetery are travelling from. We are planning on having a sign made for the upper portion of the Phoenix Cemetery. We’ll install it in the spring.

I’ve sent out a great lot of renewal notices – it has been difficult to meet up this year. No Christmas craft fairs, no Greenwood Founders’ Day, no Grand Forks Fall Fair, no Harvest Fest. A litany of places we haven’t been able to meet up with you at! but, we did do Market on Market this summer and met many new members.
There is a slim chance that we might be able to hold our Annual Luncheon in conjunction with Heritage Week in February. I’ll keep you up to date with plans. We have our next meeting planned for Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 1:00 the Legion in Grand Forks – Covid-19 procedures permitting. Members are always welcome to attend.

Stay safe and we’ll see you in the New Year,
Doreen Sorensen