One of the unique visual features of Grand Forks is the huge black piles of sand just north of town along the bank of the Granby River (once known as the North Fork of the Kettle River). Ever gazed at… Continue Reading →
With the change in the month also comes a change in the Old News aspect of our website. Previously the reproductions of the newspapers attempted to reproduce the Black & White aspect of the original printed pages. As close as… Continue Reading →
The threat of wildfire this summer (2017) is so extreme that for most of July the whole province has been under a state Of Emergency. Tens of thousands of people, multiple communities, have experienced evacuations. Hundreds of wildfires have happened…. Continue Reading →
The headline tells the result but not the story. John Suszko had worked at the Granby smelter for the past year but in recent weeks his behaviour had deteriorated. He visited Manly’s Hardware and wanted to purchase a revolver and… Continue Reading →
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