With the change in the month also comes a change in the Old News aspect of our website. Previously the reproductions of the newspapers attempted to reproduce the Black & White aspect of the original printed pages. As close as… Continue Reading →
Recently snooping on other people’s telephone and communications have been back in the news because the current president of the USA is publicly speculating whether his predecessor was ‘bugging’ his residence in New York.
The Boundary Historical Society held it’s 66th Anniversary Luncheon on February 18th, 2017 at the Senior’s Centre in Grand Forks City Park. There were 52 people in attendance to hear Frank Schlichting speak on Mining History in the Boundary. His… Continue Reading →
In the Dec16th edition of the 1910 Evening Sun there is a small poem at the top of page 3. We cannot find any information on the poet, one Leslie Woodworth Reese, and even more perplexing is: What the heck… Continue Reading →
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