October 2, 2022
Hello Members and Friends,
I’ll get the business end of this newsletter over first:
Boundary Historical Society Annual General Meeting
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Royal Canadian Legion – 7353 – 6th Street, Grand Forks, BC
Social & membership renewals – 12:30 – 1:00 pm
AGM begins at 1:00 pm
Hope you’ll mark the day on your calendar and that we see lots of members out to our AGM.
It has been another few busy weeks for the BHS. We attended the Rock Creek Fair on September 17th and 18th. Saturday saw record crowds and we were kept busy talking history, selling memberships and Reports. Mickey Keller-Nadon helped at the table on Saturday and Mel and Joan Carroll spared us off for an hour or so so we could see the Fair. We brought in $317.50 on the Saturday and $85.00 on the Sunday. Sunday was not a busy day for us but $85.00 is what we paid for our table so it was nice to make that money back. Jason McIver checked in on me often and helped me get our suitcases of Reports out to my car. It was a real pleasure to be invited. Mickey posted a picture of our table on Boundary Heritage and we certainly received lots of “hits” and words of encouragement.

Our regular monthly meeting was held on Wednesday, September 21 at Grand Forks City Park Campground. Our last meeting in the Park for this year. We will be meeting at the Woodworker’s Guild again this winter. A huge thank you to the Guild for offering us this meeting place – it is warm and it is free!! It was nice to have a few more members out at our meeting. We set the date for our AGM and polled the Directors as to their intentions for next year. All of our Directors agreed to run again and three members have indicated they will stand for Area Reps. Area Reps are voted in at our first regular meeting following our AGM as Directors. We presently have 138 members.
Marnie Green and I drove out to Midway on the 24th to wish Paul Lautard a happy 100th birthday – both Paul and Gloria are looking healthy and happy. A momentous day.
I’ve signed us up for a couple of Christmas Craft Fairs. The GFSS one is on November 26th and we are attending the Christina Lake Artisan Craft Fair on December 3rd. Greenwood’s Fair is also on the 3rd but so far I have not found it possible to be in two places at one time! I’ve made enquiries about the Rock Creek Christmas Fair but haven’t heard anything yet.
Monday, September 26 saw Frank Talarico and I join Woodworkers Bob McTavish, Jason McIver, Bud Smith and Sam – Bob’s grandson – at the Cemetery to place the new picket cradles in place and repair the IOOF fence that was damaged by a boulder. Frank walked the lower roadbed to ascertain if we could get in that way but it is blocked by blown down trees. I showed the guys where I wanted the cradles positioned and as they worked on that Bob and Sam (we were very fortunate to have his help!) replaced the bottom board on the IOOF fence. Bob removed the broken pickets. The next day, Jo Ann Sergeant and I went up to paint those pickets. We ended up removing all of them from the damaged area because it was easier to paint them off the rails. A tricky spot to paint because the slope is so steep. I believe the Woodworkers are going up this week to replace the pickets and Jo Ann and I plan to paint the other side of the fence next year. The weather has been just perfect for working. I would really like to get Mr. Walter’s fences painted this year if possible. I’m hoping our Board will okay 5 more fences for next year. I’m thinking they could be 3/4 size (in height). There are many graves that have wood frames around them and I’d like to mark them with a fence.

This morning, Mel Carroll and I went up to Phoenix Cemetery to do some more work. We’d kind of planned a work party but it didn’t pan out. Mel brought his chain saw and a weed eater with a blade. He cleared the fir branches from around a grave and weed whacked small trees and rose bushes down. I pulled probably 4 dozen small fir trees – hope if you pay the cemetery a visit, you will pull a few too – they will only grow! We’ve started a new pile of brush outside the lower gate and hopefully we might be able to get it chipped next spring. We worked for about 3 hours. There is still a lot of trimming but we’ve made a start on it. Thank you, Mel! I forgot my camera to get a picture but if you pay the cemetery a visit you’ll notice the trimming.
Hope to see you at our AGM!!
Yours in history,
Doreen Sorensen – Secretary
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