July 2, 2022
Hello Members and Friends,
Hope you all had a great Canada Day. I spent the day at the Boundary Museum on hot dog duty. It was so great to see everyone and to see our wonderful Museum once again open and celebrating the Boundary.
Our stairs for Phoenix Cemetery are ready – huge thanks to Shilo Freer and family at Son Ranch for getting these done and donating them to us at no charge. They are with Desiree and Al from Jewel Creek Antiques. As soon as they have a free Monday they will be putting them in at the Cemetery. Thank you Son Ranch and Jewel Creek Antiques for your help. Klaus Bialon would be so pleased to see the new stairs installed.
I popped over to Greenwood this morning just to see where we will be gathering for the Founder’s Day Parade. Frank Talarico is lending his flatdeck and will be pulling it to Greenwood. Nancy Perepolkin offered to “build” our float. She and Irene have a wonderful collection of old and antique farm implements and I’m sure the float will be interesting. We’ll be selling Reports and memberships at Founders’ Days on July 16th and 17th. The parade begins at 11 am on the 16th. Hope to see lots of you there. Thanks to all those involved with the float and thanks to Les Johnson for volunteering to help set up our vendor table.
We’ve scheduled our Picnic for August 14th – 11:00 – 2:00 at the Jewel Lake cabin. We are hoping to have a guest speaker or two. Bring your bag lunch, we’ll provide goodies and watermelon. Of course we’ll have the coffee perking away – Gladys favourite beverage – and it wouldn’t be a proper picnic without it. We’ll have lemonade, too. I’ll send a reminder out the week of the 14th and I’ll put an ad in the Gazette. We have some chairs but you might want to bring your own! Ours are pretty old.
We’ve had an invitation from the Rock Creek Fall Fair to sell our Reports at their Fair. It has been a long time since we have been there and I’m sure looking forward to this chance.
Our next regular meeting will be on August 17th – 1:00 pm. City Park camping ground. We “skip” two meetings a year – July and December. Everyone is welcome – bring a chair.
Yours in history,
Doreen Sorensen – Secretary
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