December 19, 2022
Hello Members and Friends,
Hope you are all enjoying our winter – I am fond of saying when the cold gets me down that you can’t have spring if you don’t have winter. First time in my 52 years here that the first snow has stayed. Not only a shock to me but to the trees, too, and all those leaves I didn’t get raked up. I’m pretty sure they’ll just wait for me but I do wonder what happens to the trees whose leaves didn’t fall off or even change colour. Gorgeous day shaping up today. We are wishing you all a good Christmas season and a healthy and happy New Year. Only two more days – well, three, and we’ll start enjoying longer daylight hours!!
I was planning to get back up to Phoenix Cemetery to clear out more of those branches that were piled up at some time but the snow struck. There is a grave under them and we are hoping to put a fence around it this spring. The Boundary Woodworkers’ Guild have taken on our request for five more fences. We have agreed that they will be 3/4 height or a couple could be as short as the one around Mrs. Poscente and her babies’ grave.
I sent a picture of the memorial plaque for William Walters grave to his grandson and Rick and his wife are thinking about coming out next May. If their plans hold up we could place the plaque while they are here. I’d had hopes that we might get it in in November but the snow changed that plan!!
Desiree and Al, our friends at Jewel Creek Antiques, attended the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Phoenix Cenotaph and she kindly sent me some pictures. Nice to see that our Phoenix veterans are honoured. Chris Walker of CBC fame wrote requesting information about the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph. I sent him on to Al Donnelly, he contacted Ciel Sander and between them they suggested Pierre Peron’s name to Chris. It was good to hear Pierre talking about his and Sharon’s memories of Remembrance Day at Phoenix. Chris also mentioned that he had visited the cemetery in 2021 and remarked on how beautiful it was. So nice to hear that.
Karen, Joan, Jo Ann and I have been meeting at Karen’s to look for grants that we can apply to for ground penetrating radar at the Upper Phoenix Cemetery. We are investigating a number of grants and when they open in 2023 for application we’ll be ready with proposals.
We attended the GFSS Christmas Craft Fair on November 26th. It was full of vendors and it was so nice to see people visiting and shopping. It wasn’t very successful for us and not even much chatting about history. We made $65.00. On December 3rd, Karen and Joan headed for Christina Lake for the Artisan’s Market there and I drove over to Greenwood for their Market. Both were very successful for us – Christina Lake bringing in $224.50 and Greenwood $246.25. We were all happy with our day. Al stopped in to visit with me and it was pleasant to discuss stories with him. Lots of history talk and Karen and Joan signed up new members. I met Len Lobsinger and his wife, Janine, and was interested to hear that they are opening up a store in the New Year – the Spotted Dog Emporium – near Canco – in Greenwood. Len is a history buff and he is considering stocking some of our Reports. We had our new paper bags with our logo on them and that made us feel good to have a way to package people’s purchases – no more used plastic bags.
On December 9th your Executive and a few members who attend our meetings attended a no host Christmas dinner at Omega. It was a convivial time and a really nice celebration of a good year for our Society.
We don’t have a regular meeting in December, our next meeting will be on January 18, 2023 at the Woodworkers’ Guild building – 1:00 pm.
If you have any family stories in the Boundary that you’d like to have included in our next Report we are beginning to work on it. We all have a history! Any ideas, let me know. Plans are beginning for our Luncheon in February – stay tuned!
Yours in history,
Doreen Sorensen
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